KITH and KIN young scientists innovate in gas safety



Jan 1, 1970

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Earlier this year, a group of students from Kith and Kin Educational Schools reached out to us at IBILE Oil and Gas Corporation (IOGC) about an innovative project they were working on as a team – a domestic gas leak detecting device. On Thursday 27th January, the team visited our head office alongside their mentors/teachers and met with the leadership of IOGC, showcasing and successfully demonstrating the use of the device. The session was an enlightening one and ended with the MD/CEO Ms. Doyin Akinyanju committing IOGC to the development of the project and mentoring of these young scientists in both technical and entrepreneurial skills.

The young inventors also paid a visit to our 40MT LPG plant located at Ebute-Ikorodu, serving up to 20,000 households in the immediate environs. During this tour, they were taken through the facility, learning about equipment and the operations of the facility, from supply to dispensing of the LPG, particularly focusing on the safety and maintenance mechanisms.

At IOGC, we are committed to pivoting Lagos State towards a cleaner energy mix deployed in the safest way, using the safest techniques. We believe in innovative ideas and are thrilled to be working with these brilliant young minds, to mentor and guide them as much as we can. It is elevating to see a younger generation embrace gas as the fuel for Nigeria’s immediate future.

IOGC will continue to work with this team to help them achieve the completion of this project and to see it embraced by the public.